We have been moved in our purpose by the following contemporary developments which we observe with deep concern:
1. The widespread uncertainty and
abdication created order distinct Distinctions distortions equal equal share equally high Fall governing and teaching headship joyful limitations male headship neglect ordained passivity power Redemption relationships resistance selfish sin submission supreme usurpation in our culture regarding the
abdication created order distinct Distinctions distortions equal equal share equally high Fall governing and teaching headship joyful limitations male headship neglect ordained passivity power Redemption relationships resistance selfish sin submission supreme usurpation differences between masculinity and femininity;
2. the tragic effects of this confusion in unraveling the fabric of
abdication created order distinct Distinctions distortions equal equal share equally high Fall governing and teaching headship joyful limitations male headship neglect ordained passivity power Redemption relationships resistance selfish sin submission supreme usurpation woven by God out of the beautiful and diverse strands of manhood and womanhood;
3. the increasing promotion given to
abdication created order distinct Distinctions distortions equal equal share equally high Fall governing and teaching headship joyful limitations male headship neglect ordained passivity power Redemption relationships resistance selfish sin submission supreme usurpation with accompanying distortions or neglect of the glad
abdication created order distinct Distinctions distortions equal equal share equally high Fall governing and teaching headship joyful limitations male headship neglect ordained passivity power Redemption relationships resistance selfish sin submission supreme usurpation portrayed in Scripture between the loving, humble
abdication created order distinct Distinctions distortions equal equal share equally high Fall governing and teaching headship joyful limitations male headship neglect ordained passivity power Redemption relationships resistance selfish sin submission supreme usurpation of redeemed husbands and the intelligent, willing
abdication created order distinct Distinctions distortions equal equal share equally high Fall governing and teaching headship joyful limitations male headship neglect ordained passivity power Redemption relationships resistance selfish sin submission supreme usurpation of that leadership by redeemed wives;
4. the widespread
abdication created order distinct Distinctions distortions equal equal share equally high Fall governing and teaching headship joyful limitations male headship neglect ordained passivity power Redemption relationships resistance selfish sin submission supreme usurpation regarding the values of motherhood,
abdication created order distinct Distinctions distortions equal equal share equally high Fall governing and teaching headship joyful limitations male headship neglect ordained passivity power Redemption relationships resistance selfish sin submission supreme usurpation homemaking, and
abdication created order distinct Distinctions distortions equal equal share equally high Fall governing and teaching headship joyful limitations male headship neglect ordained passivity power Redemption relationships resistance selfish sin submission supreme usurpation ; the wife's intelligent, willing
abdication created order distinct Distinctions distortions equal equal share equally high Fall governing and teaching headship joyful limitations male headship neglect ordained passivity power Redemption relationships resistance selfish sin submission supreme usurpation tends to be replaced by
abdication created order distinct Distinctions distortions equal equal share equally high Fall governing and teaching headship joyful limitations male headship neglect ordained passivity power Redemption relationships resistance selfish sin submission supreme usurpation or servility.
In the church, sin inclines men toward a worldly love of
abdication created order distinct Distinctions distortions equal equal share equally high Fall governing and teaching headship joyful limitations male headship neglect ordained passivity power Redemption relationships resistance selfish sin submission supreme usurpation or an
abdication created order distinct Distinctions distortions equal equal share equally high Fall governing and teaching headship joyful limitations male headship neglect ordained passivity power Redemption relationships resistance selfish sin submission supreme usurpation of spiritual responsibility, and inclines women to resist
abdication created order distinct Distinctions distortions equal equal share equally high Fall governing and teaching headship joyful limitations male headship neglect ordained passivity power Redemption relationships resistance selfish sin submission supreme usurpation on their roles or to
abdication created order distinct Distinctions distortions equal equal share equally high Fall governing and teaching headship joyful limitations male headship neglect ordained passivity power Redemption relationships resistance selfish sin submission supreme usurpation the use of their gifts in appropriate ministries.
5. The Old Testament, as well as the New Testament, manifests the
abdication created order distinct Distinctions distortions equal equal share equally high Fall governing and teaching headship joyful limitations male headship neglect ordained passivity power Redemption relationships resistance selfish sin submission supreme usurpation value and dignity which God attached to the roles of both men and women (
Genesis 1:26–27 ,
2:18 ;
Galatians 3:28 ). Both Old and New Testaments also affirm the principle of
abdication created order distinct Distinctions distortions equal equal share equally high Fall governing and teaching headship joyful limitations male headship neglect ordained passivity power Redemption relationships resistance selfish sin submission supreme usurpation in the family and in the covenant community (
Genesis 2:18 ;
Ephesians 5:21–33 ;
Colossians 3:18–19 ;
1 Timothy 2:11–15 ).
abdication created order distinct Distinctions distortions equal equal share equally high Fall governing and teaching headship joyful limitations male headship neglect ordained passivity power Redemption relationships resistance selfish sin submission supreme usurpation in Christ aims at removing the
abdication created order distinct Distinctions distortions equal equal share equally high Fall governing and teaching headship joyful limitations male headship neglect ordained passivity power Redemption relationships resistance selfish sin submission supreme usurpation introduced by the curse.
In the family, husbands should forsake harsh or
abdication created order distinct Distinctions distortions equal equal share equally high Fall governing and teaching headship joyful limitations male headship neglect ordained passivity power Redemption relationships resistance selfish sin submission supreme usurpation leadership and grow in love and care for their wives; wives should forsake
abdication created order distinct Distinctions distortions equal equal share equally high Fall governing and teaching headship joyful limitations male headship neglect ordained passivity power Redemption relationships resistance selfish sin submission supreme usurpation to their husbands' authority and grow in willing,
abdication created order distinct Distinctions distortions equal equal share equally high Fall governing and teaching headship joyful limitations male headship neglect ordained passivity power Redemption relationships resistance selfish sin submission supreme usurpation submission to their husbands' leadership (
Ephesians 5:21-33 ;
Colossians 3:18–19 ;
Titus 2:3–5 ;
1 Peter 3:1–7 ).
In the church, redemption in Christ gives men and women an
abdication created order distinct Distinctions distortions equal equal share equally high Fall governing and teaching headship joyful limitations male headship neglect ordained passivity power Redemption relationships resistance selfish sin submission supreme usurpation in the blessings of salvation; nevertheless, some
abdication created order distinct Distinctions distortions equal equal share equally high Fall governing and teaching headship joyful limitations male headship neglect ordained passivity power Redemption relationships resistance selfish sin submission supreme usurpation roles within the church are restricted to men (
Galatians 3:28 ;
1 Corinthians 11:2-16 ;
1 Timothy 2:11–15 ).
7. In all of life Christ is the
abdication created order distinct Distinctions distortions equal equal share equally high Fall governing and teaching headship joyful limitations male headship neglect ordained passivity power Redemption relationships resistance selfish sin submission supreme usurpation
authority and guide for men
abdication created order distinct Distinctions distortions equal equal share equally high Fall governing and teaching headship joyful limitations male headship neglect ordained passivity power Redemption relationships resistance selfish sin submission supreme usurpation